Ignite D'Arts
Ignite De Arts @ OEPS is a distinctive aesthetics programme that provides opportunities for students to have a deeper appreciation for the Arts and Music and it is also one of the platforms of the school to emphasize the importance of holistic education in OEPS. The programme is designed comprehensively in terms of length, breadth and depth, to include 21st Century Competencies into the activities; to bring daily life routines and values education into the teaching of the Arts and Music; to synergize and collaborate with similar & related programmes such as PAL and Assembly programme so that school resources can be optimized to maximise students’ overall learning and development experience. Throughout the 6 years of education in OEPS, all students will progress through the 4 Arts domains: Learn Arts, Explore Arts, Collaborative Arts and Fun Arts.
Learn Arts focuses on the learning of fundamental skills and concepts in music & art based on the school’s GMP (General Music Programme) and GAP (General Art Programme) syllabus.
Explore Arts focuses on the appreciation of Arts and Music through PAL modules, Modular Arts Programmes and Arts Exposure Programmes (AEP) etc. The modules under each domain are carefully selected to be age-appropriate and well-paced. Students are also taught values explicitly in these modules, for example, understanding and appreciating the works of fellow schoolmates; learning to be patient, and being responsible for their own learning.
Collaborative Arts focuses on the application of skills in Art and Music in inter-department projects as well as external organisations such as SOTA, Tao Nan School Poi Ching School, LTA etc.
Fun Arts focuses on celebrating successes of students’ work and self-expression through art Exhibitions, performances in and outside of school events such as the Art Exhibition at i12 Katong, recess programmes and outreach events etc.