Character & Citizenship Education
In line with the school’s vision and mission, CCE@OEPS aims to guide our students to learn to be responsible to self, family and community, and to understand their roles in shaping their futures and the future of the community around them. Through our lessons as well as student development and other school experiences, CCE@OEPS supports the development of good character, resilience and social-emotional well-being, future readiness and active citizenship in each child
CCE@OEPS aims to nurture students who:
1) have good character and strong social emotional competencies,
2) are purposeful and others-centred with the will to improve the lives of others, and
3) love and appreciate Singapore.
CCE @ OEPS Curriculum
The design of the CCE@OEPS curriculum also takes reference from MOE’s CCE 2021 Curriculum Frame (Figure 1).
The curriculum content of CCE is based on the three big ideas of Identity, Relationships, and Choices, and comprises the teaching and learning of core values and social-emotional competencies with a focus on developing a sense of purpose in our students. These fundamentals are taught and applied in the six curriculum content areas of CCE – Education and Career Guidance, Cyber Wellness, National Education, Sexuality Education, Mental Health and Family Education. CCE-FTGP lessons are scheduled once per week and the lessons are customised to meet the needs of our students.
Aside from CCE-FTGP lessons, the CCE@Opera Curriculum includes the weekly Good Things@Opera morning assembly programme, termly positive tone setting sessions, Values-in-Action level programmes, commemoration of National Education events, Student Leadership Development, Social Studies Cohort Learning Journeys and our Attitude of Gratitude initiative.
CCE-FTGP Lessons
Good Things@Opera Morning Assembly Programme
Termly Positive Tone Setting
Commemoration of National Education Events
Social Studies Cohort Learning Journeys
Attitude of Gratitude Programme
Fostering a Caring and Enabling School Environment
Establishing Positive Teacher Student Relationships (TSR)
Students who experience positive TSR in school are more engaged and motivated to learn, which in turn shapes their character, and social-emotional wellbeing and development. In OEPS, time is set aside for Form Teacher Interaction. Form Teachers take the time to get to know their students and understand their concerns so that they can be better supported.
Establishing Peer Support and Relationships (PSR)
Positive PSR forms a critical part of a child’s development. In OEPS, PSR is anchored on the domains of peer bonding, helping and influencing, and taught through CCE-FTGP lessons, programmes such as the P1-P4 Buddy programme, and platforms such as Opera Gems in Action.
Our Cheer Champs also play a part in supporting the establishment of a caring and enabling school environment by providing practical help and support to their classmates, helping to foster class spirit and being positive peer influencers to others.