For Singapore Citizen students who intend to apply for MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS), please do not make the purchase for books/shoes/socks until you are updated on the outcome of the MOE FAS application.
Please find attached the updated information file for 2025.
For Singapore Citizen students who intend to apply for MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS), please do not make the purchase for school uniform until you are updated on the outcome of the MOE FAS application.
Sign up for MOE eGiro through the online portal at or from the “Services” tab in Parents Gateway app - “GIRO Setup” which will bring you to the same page for you to click “Apply for GIRO”.
Should you encounter error in the process, please provide screen captures as well as the time and date of application to MOE using the below Feedback Form
All Singapore Citizens students will have an Edusave account automatically opened for them and receive a yearly contribution. For more information on Edusave Account, please refer to this link.
Parents can sign up for Edusave standing order to use your child’s Edusave account to pay for the single tier miscellaneous fees and enrichment programmes to reduce your out-of-pocket expense. Complete the online Edusave Standing Order Form via this linkwith either parent's SingPass login.
Singapore Citizens who wish to apply for MOE FAS 2025, can do so via this mode: a) eFAS link in PG’s services section:
b) eFAS form via this link c) Scan the QR code:
IMPORTANT: You will be required to submit the supporting documents together with the eFAS form.
Please refer here for the steps to follow when making application through the eFAS form. Hardcopy form is required for:
families with other dependents (Great grandparents, Aunties/Uncles, Cousins and others)
family with more than 6 children in GGAS
family with more than 5 unmarried children not in GGAS
family with more than 3 grandparents in the household
For more information, kindly refer to Annex I in the 2025 MOE FAS Application form. Please refer to the info sheet in various languages for an overview of the scheme. MOE FAS Pamphet (English) MOE FAS Pamphet (Chinese) MOE FAS Pamphet (Malay) MOE FAS Pamphet (Tamil) NOTE: Parent whose child is a ComCare recipient need not submit the application for MOE FAS as MOE FAS will be auto-granted to ComCare beneficiaries in Government / Government-Aided Schools.
Please visit again in early January 2025
We strongly encourage all parents / guardians to come on board PG for quicker access to school information. Please refer to Annex A for the step-by-step onboarding guide and FAQs for Parents to address your queries.
Uncle Lin and Mesa is our appointed school bus service provider since 1 January 2024.
If you are interested to engage school bus service for your child in 2025, you may indicate your interest through the link: or by reaching out to them at :